(1918 - 2011)

By the origin to the end of the Second World War

Paolo Tarquini is born to Rome on April 17th, 1918 by parents coming Abruzzi (of is father, the sculptor Sabatino Tarquini, it was published a biography handled by Cosimo Savastano and showed to International Book Fair to Frankfurt in the 2002). Completed the grammar school and the starting school for professional people, Paolo was dazzled by father's works with a structure definitively classic and figurative. So, only fifteen years old he joined the Decorative Arts School of Via San Giacomo, situated in the ex pavilion of the homonymous hospital, once known with the name of "Incurabili". Called to the colours at the beginning of the Second World War Paolo was sent to France border soon to Albania later on. His permanency in the army it was immediately portrayed by his own great for drawing and this obtained him a place to the eight Corps Headquarters. Moved to Greece, during the Italian attack on the October 1940, he became war correspondente and many his pictures from the front were published by some newspapers at home. The September 8th he was taken prisoners by Germans and assigned, as shoveller, to the maintenance of an aiport close to Salonicco. Anyhow, he came released fromthis activity as soon as Germans found out amd admired his own pictorial talent. The he elapsed a new portrait painting period that will last until his fligth from concentration camp in Croazia. Presented himself to the Jugoslavian partisans they asked him if he like to be a fighter or a prisoner and he chose the first way. But soon discovered his endowments, showing a collection of works (never neglected!), he was engaged by the advertising office for which he makes several big portraits of Marshal Josip Broz Tito in addition to numberless promotion banners.
Finished the war Paolo came back home, finally, to face difficulties of the postwar period.

